Wasteful Gardening (The Parable of the Sower)

This recent Texas winter killed off a lot of our plants. When my mom and I went to a local nursery for some herbs and flowers, they seemed to be in good business, because everyone was replanting their gardens. I’ve been wondering about how to tend to/heal our inner gardens. Sowing seeds of hope in … Continue reading Wasteful Gardening (The Parable of the Sower)

Beyond Multivariable: An Abridged Memoir

Having finished my undergraduate degree, I’ve been reflecting on what it means to sit with uncertainty. Perhaps the following words will fill a chapter of a memoir I will write someday. [CW: anxiety, panic, depression, ED, queerphobia] Photo by Greg Rakozy Believe me, I know what it’s like to be overwhelmed by a lack of understanding. … Continue reading Beyond Multivariable: An Abridged Memoir

Growing Pains: Fire In My Bones

I did not expect to end my undergraduate career sleeping in my bed, with a belly full of growing pains. This is what outgrowing and moving on looks like: leaving Sodom in flames, without so much as a glance over my shoulder -- lest these old wineskins burst and ruin the new wine. Shaking the dust off my feet. When I was younger and still growing (height-wise), I would have leg aches. It made me want to stretch myself out, to kick something. My current body couldn't contain where I wanted to go, and it made me angry. Once again, my bones are groaning. Here I am, alive and kicking. I am out, restless and angry. Yet, what is this perfect peace that guards my heart?

21 Things I Did Before Realizing I was Queer (Celebrating 21)

A big 'thank you' to my mother, who has lovingly chosen these images for my post. Shortly after my twentieth birthday, I realized I was queer. If you haven't already, read my coming out post here! I remained myself, but God let the scales fall from my eyes so I could receive a language, a … Continue reading 21 Things I Did Before Realizing I was Queer (Celebrating 21)

Science & The Bible: NOMA vs. The New Atheism

Hello everyone! I'm a first-year at Wellesley College, a liberal arts college in a small town near Boston, and I will be keeping a commentary on the material that we are going through in my seminar class. The course is titled "Science and the Bible", and it is taught by Professor Ed Silver from the religion … Continue reading Science & The Bible: NOMA vs. The New Atheism

God Made Saul Blind for Three Days

Saul went blind for three days. When he opened his eyes again, nothing looked the same to him, literally and spiritually. With today's technology, when a previously visually handicapped person is given the ability to see for the first time, for the first few moments, they are absolutely amazed. They find it difficult to stop looking at the spectacle that we take for granted.

Sometimes when I realize this, I wonder what it was really like for Saul when "something like scales fell from [his] eyes, and he could see again." I think that to him the colors would have seemed so vivid that he wouldn't have believed he never noticed them before.

Saul undergoes a dramatic change in this chapter of the Acts, going from a persecutor of the disciples to being filled with the Holy Spirit. Like in Shakespeare's "King Lear", literal blindness leads to spiritual insight.