Joining the Club (Starting with a Phone Case)

Photo by Elizabeth Lies Yup. It's 2019, and the oceans aren't going to clean themselves. When God gave man dominion over the earth, we were meant to rule over it with stewardship and wisdom. Not to exploit its resources, or each other. Although we are called to be in this world, but not of this … Continue reading Joining the Club (Starting with a Phone Case)

WHY Declutter? — Treasures in Heaven

Entropy works against us consistently, creating disorder and chaos. That's the way of the universe now (after the Fall).

Nobody actually wants clutter. We don't set our new year's resolution to live a more cluttered life.

However, if we're not intentional about what we allow to remain in our life, we end up with unintentional objects, relationships, and achievements.

And who wants that? It's human nature to desire a meaningful life.

It's easy to be fooled, though. Worldly possessions can't fill the void within our hearts, which desire and long for more.

Because things are just things -- neither good nor bad. They can make us happy for a while, but that kind of happiness never lasts.